Misleading discussions and silent recognition about the birth place of Lord Buddha



Lord Buddha
Photo by Mike Tyurin

Shakyamuni Lord Buddha was born in Tilaurakot in Kapilvastu district of present Lumbini region of Nepal in 563 BCE ( About 2585 years ago) and Nirvana took in 483 B.C. at the age of 80 in Kushinagar, India. Buddha's death is called Mahaparinirvana. His father's name is Shudhodan and mother's name is Mayawati.  Lord Buddha left his palace at the age of 29 to seek enlightenment.

The fact that people grow old and then die always worried the Buddha. Although he was born into a royal family but he was not attracted to it. Why are people born? Why do people get old? And why do people die?  This question used to haunt him again and again. Lord Buddha's wife's name is Yasodhara (Gopa) and son's name is Rahul. In Buddhism, Yasodhara is known as the Goddess of wealth. 

Mayadevi Stupa
Imaage:Nepal highland trek pvt.

The Buddha monks we see and the dark pink clothes they wear are not normal. It requires special knowledge to see and understand it. Tripitaka is the basis of policy. It contains important divine messages of the Buddha. Every process from birth to death is clear in Buddhism. Human is the best creature. They can think. May feel pain. Can understand the pain of others. Can identify duties and perform them. Therefore, being the best, human is also wise. They have the knowledge of how to make the most of life. The Buddha's divine message continues to incite adherence to this aspect.

Buddha is specially respected in countries like China, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Japan and Korea. Many negative arguments and discussions have been made abroad about? Buddha, who is considered the Light of Asia. Some say that Buddha was born in India, while others say that he was born in Sri Lanka. These all are such propaganda, rumours, short-term and factless. It doesn't matter how much false news and arguments are made, historical facts and evidence make it clear that Buddha was born in Nepal. Stupas or monasteries are symbols of Buddha and relics of faith. Some call it Buddha temple which is wrong.

Some scholars and writers, their articles and book are widely read. They can explain to others. Even though they are famous, they make mistakes that cannot be done and make the truth different. It has a huge impact on reality. Followers also follow the mistakes made by such a people. You have to understand whether there is truth in it. Scholars cannot resort to ignorance. All people should understand this.

                                                                                                                                                The question of why this short article needs to be written today is important. Misleading information keeps people in the dark. We must always find out the truth. History should never be wrong. Buddha's great sayings are devoted to truth. We cannot say that there is light by turning off the lamp. We must avoid falling prey to misconceptions. This article will help you gain knowledge about Buddha. Buddha was born in Nepal.

The important messages of the Buddha are as follows:

Three things cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon and the truth.

Every man is the author of his own health or sickness.

Whatever words we speak must be carefully chosen so that people will hear them and be influenced by them,for better or for worse.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can save. We must make our own way.

In controversy we become angry as soon as we have already ceased to strive for truth, and have begun to strive for ourselves.

In the sky, there is no distinction between East and West; human create distinctions from their own minds and then believe them to be true.

Those who are free from agitated thoughts will surely find peace.

To understand all is to forgive all.

Hate is never extinguished by hate. Hate is extinguished by love. This is an immutable law.

The mind is everything. You become what you think.

As treasures are opened from the earth, so virtue is revealed by good deeds, and wisdom is revealed by a pure and calm mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.

Have mercy on all creatures, rich and poor alike; each has his pain. Some suffer much, some little.

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger!

It is a greater task to conquer oneself than to conquer others !


Gautama Buddha International Airport

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